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Contributor | John Redwood MP
Portrait 2023 03 23 151346 tcwc

John Redwood is the Conservative MP for Wokingham and a former Secretary of State for Wales.

Contributor's articles
The electrical revolution many seek needs huge investment....
Portrait 2023 03 23 151346 tcwc
John Redwood MP
September 20, 2023
As the government looks to use some of our Brexit freedoms...
Portrait 2023 03 23 151346 tcwc
John Redwood MP
May 23, 2023
If the UK wants to persist with its model of independent...
Portrait 2023 03 23 151346 tcwc
John Redwood MP
April 2, 2023
NHS Wall Logo Edited
The government needs to ask itself why it wants more of...
Portrait 2023 03 23 151346 tcwc
John Redwood MP
September 21, 2020
Building site
Let us welcome the idea of a simple map setting out...
Portrait 2023 03 23 151346 tcwc
John Redwood MP
August 10, 2020
Euro Flag Crumble Edited
The EU's “rescue”plan is not actually about the virus. It is about...
Portrait 2023 03 23 151346 tcwc
John Redwood MP
July 23, 2020