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The EU is morally repulsive

John Redwood MP
December 20, 2016

The EU's refusal to reassure all of its citizens living in each other's countries that they can stay after Brexit is morally repulsive, says John Redwood.

Giving the cold shoulder to the Prime Minister was juvenile. Refusing to reassure all EU citizens living in each other's countries that they can stay after Brexit is morally repulsive.

I assume even the EU would not stoop so low as to demand the departure of UK citizens from other EU countries once we leave. It would be against decency, morality and probably international law. So why don't they just say so? Their refusal shows the PM was wise not to assume they would.

The UK has made clear it is happy for all legally settled EU migrants in the UK to stay. So why can't the others say the same about British migrants?

At the same time, why can't the rest of the EU reassure business that they have no wish to damage their trade with us? Again, they put their own institution above the needs and wishes of businesses, employees and customers around their Union.

It certainly strengthens the case for leaving. These people clearly do not want the best for their citizens. They use them as pawns in their macabre political game. I thought the EU's idea was to take our money in order to give us some service. Once again it looks as if the opposite is true.

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John Redwood is the Conservative MP for Wokingham and a former Secretary of State for Wales.

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