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Contributor | John Baron MP
1390 15x15 2023 03 10 205315 awuy

John Baron is the former Conservative MP for Basildon and Billericay and a former Shadow Health Minister.

Contributor's articles
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Britain has used the ‘first past the post’ system for centuries,...
1390 15x15 2023 03 10 205315 awuy
John Baron MP
July 1, 2024
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A theme of my recent articles has been to take on...
1390 15x15 2023 03 10 205315 awuy
John Baron MP
May 23, 2024
Shutterstock 663459544
A theme of my recent articles has been to speak up...
1390 15x15 2023 03 10 205315 awuy
John Baron MP
April 18, 2024
Image: Pexels / Pixabay
Upright and high-calibre individuals should always be drawn to politics....
1390 15x15 2023 03 10 205315 awuy
John Baron MP
March 26, 2024
Image: Pixabay
‘Popular’ reforms can turn out to have serious disadvantages....
1390 15x15 2023 03 10 205315 awuy
John Baron MP
February 15, 2024
Shutterstock 2114384846
The world is forgetting that there is a desperate European conflict...
1390 15x15 2023 03 10 205315 awuy
John Baron MP
December 18, 2023
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An effective justice system should...
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