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It’s a funny juxtaposition that the quintessential British expression “Keep calm...
David B Horne head and shoulders
David B Horne
June 3, 2024
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Britain’s high streets are at a crisis point. A myriad of...
Kate Nicholls Chief Executive UK Hospitality
Kate Nicholls OBE
May 13, 2024
David Miller Heaps
The challenges faced by each of Britain’s manufacturers are extremely varied...
David Millar
January 12, 2024
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The introduction of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement in 2021...
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In order to ensure the recruitment of more diverse employees and...
Dr Grace Lordan
June 8, 2022
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Despite progress over recent years regarding female representation in the upper...
Marie Gervais
May 24, 2022
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An effective justice system should...
Campbell Robb
July 25, 2024