The Budget will make roads safer and improve transport
Since being elected to Parliament one of the highest number of emails and letters I continue to receive is regarding potholes. It is not something that would be characterised as a ‘glamorous’ topic for debate, but it is an issue that really matters to a lot of people, and it makes you realise just how personal politics can be for so many people.
When you hear stories of people having to pay to get their cars repaired due to shoddy roads or explaining why they rarely drive into the town centre anymore because they are concerned about damaging their vehicles, you begin to understand why so many of my constituents, and people up and down the country, really resent paying increased rates of road tax over the past 14 years; having seen such a heavy decline in the quality of their roads.
This is why I was especially pleased to see that the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, announced £1.6B for road maintenance with an additional £500M set aside to fix 1 million potholes per year – a target beyond our manifesto commitment. This nationwide additional funding for local councils will go on top of the £38.8M which Kent County Council will already be receiving over this financial year from the Department for Transport. I am certain that the additional funding from the Treasury will make our roads safer and in far better condition.
This is not to mention maintaining the 5p freeze on fuel duty. Over the past few years, when the cost-of-living crisis has been hitting working people and families hardest, any breaks are a welcome relief for so many people in my constituency of Ashford, people across East Kent, and the rest of the country. This is a budget which is on the side of working people.
I am optimistic that this will not only have a positive impact on our roads but our local economies. Constituents who tell me that they actively avoid driving to the high street to make sure their vehicles are not damaged by poorly maintained roads or to save money on fuel will no longer have those concerns. This will increase footfall around our town centres and on our highstreets, giving a real boost to the community with jobs. This can only be a good thing.
However, it is vital that we do not forget people who cannot drive – such as people with disabilities, or our elderly population who choose to give up their licenses. Which is why the government’s new investment in public transportation will be incredibly important to a vast section of the population. Over £650M worth of transport infrastructure projects will be a huge improvement for their quality of life. And as Ashford and the surrounding towns and villages have become a favourite destination for London commuters, previously thanks to HS1, I know that the further £200M for local transport investment through the City Region Transport Settlements, which will improve inter-city connectivity will be welcomed by so many of my constituents.
Therefore, this is not only an issue of public safety regarding the state of our roads, but infrastructure programmes such as the new investment in road maintenance, the funding to repair potholes and new transport services, all aid our town centres and will put more money into the pockets of working people. When we see local economies boosted people are inevitably better off – businesses are less likely to struggle and employees will see a benefit, on top of the Employment Rights Bill, which will improve the rights, wages, and working conditions of millions of people. Under this Labour Government there are a lot of things for working people to feel optimistic about.

Sojan Joseph has been the Labour Member of Parliament for Ashford since 2024. Previously, he served as a Councillor on Ashford Borough Council.